Sorafenib Tosylate | MedChemExpress (MCE)-产品咨询-资讯-生物在线

Sorafenib Tosylate | MedChemExpress (MCE)

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Sorafenib Tosylate

CAS No. : 475207-59-1

MCE 国际站:Sorafenib Tosylate

产品活性:Sorafenib Tosylate (Bay 43-9006 Tosylate) 是一种有效的口服活性 Raf 抑制剂,对 Raf-1B-RafIC50 分别为 6 nM 和 20 nM。Sorafenib Tosylate 是一种多激酶抑制剂,对 VEGFR2VEGFR3PDGFRβFLT3c-KitIC50 分别为 90 nM,15 nM,20 nM,57 nM 和 58 nM。Sorafenib Tosylate 诱导细胞自噬 (autophagy) 和凋亡 (apoptosis),并具有抗肿瘤活性。Sorafenib Tosylate 也是一种 ferroptosis 激动剂。

研究领域:MAPK/ERK Pathway  |  Protein Tyrosine Kinase/RTK  |  Autophagy  |  Apoptosis

作用靶点:Raf  |  VEGFR  |  FLT3  |  Autophagy  |  Ferroptosis  |  Apoptosis

In Vitro: Sorafenib Tosylate also inhibits BRAFwt (IC50=22 nM), BRAFV599E (IC50=38 nM), VEGFR-2 (IC50=90 nM), VEGFR-3 (IC50=20 nM), PDGFR-β (IC50=57 nM), c-KIT (IC50=68 nM), and Flt3 (IC50=58 nM) in biochemical assays.
Sorafenib Tosylate-induced phosphorylation of c-Met, p70S6K and 4EBP1 is significantly reduced when 10-0505 cells are co-treated with anti-human anti-HGF antibody, suggesting that treatment with Sorafenib Tosylate leads to increased HGF secretion and activation of c-Met and mTOR targets.

In Vivo: Sorafenib Tosylate (10, 30, 50 and 100 mg/kg, orally) treatment inhibits the tumor growth of 06-0606 and 10-0505 xenografts in a dose-dependent manner (P<0.01). The growth rate of 06-0606 and 10-0505 xenografts is also significantly reduced by Sorafenib. The weights of 06-0606 tumors in mice that are treated with Sorafenib 50 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg are approximately 13% and 5% of the controls, respectively. 50 mg dose of Sorafenib significantly inhibits tumor growth in mice with lines 5-1318, 26-1004 and 10-0505 (P<0.01). For 50 mg dose, the T/C ratio, where T and C are the median weight (mg) of Sorafenib- and vehicle-treated tumors at the end of the treatment, respectively, for 06-0606, 26-1004, 5-1318, and 10-0505 xenografts is 0.13, 0.10, 0.12 and 0.49, respectively. The survival rate is 73.3 % in Diethyl nitrosamine (DENA) group and 83.3 % in Sorafenib group compared to 100 % in the normal control group. DENA group shows a significant increase in liver index (1.51-fold increase, p<0.05) compared to normal control group, while treatment with Sorafenib shows significant decrease (p<0.05) in liver index when compared to DENA group. The liver index in Sorafenib group significantly decreases to lower than its value in the normal control.

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热门产品线:重组蛋白  |  药物筛选  |  天然产物  |  荧光染料  |  PROTAC  |  同位素标记物

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